Saturday, May 7, 2011

Buzz Buzz, Bee time

My husband set up a bee hive at a friend's house. We went today to see how it's doing. And yes, I was standing right next to the box and pointing my camera right into it. I was wearing a thick jacket and head covering incase they got mad, but they are very calm bees. 

The holes that are covered are bee larva. 

My husband hard at work. 

Hope you all have a wonderful mothers day! 


  1. Just awesome, my grandfather was a beekeeper and I miss the days of going on with him and taking care of the bees, thanks so much for little touch of him today as I was exploring your blog!!

  2. That looks so neat. I am terrified of bees, but honey comb looks so yummy! You'll have to let me know how the honey turns out:) I hope you had a good mothers day fellow dog mama!

  3. Wow! That is so cool. I'm too scared of bees, but it would be nice to have homemade honey. I'm curious, are you going to sell it or is it just for personal use?

  4. That's SO cool that you work with bees! I think if I was fully protected and safe I might consider doing it. Looks awesome!


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