Saturday, January 1, 2011

Candle Holder + Wedding Decoration

 Happy New Year!!

For our wedding I wanted to make the decorations and flowers myself to save money. These candle holders are made with thread and fabric stiffener. I used flame less candles I bought at The Dollar Tree that were 2 for a dollar. I got this brilliant idea from Coin Purse. Head over to her site for the step by step instructions. We made a ton of these for table decorations and the guest took them as party favors. I received a lot of compliments about them and I was able to save a few that I still use at home.


Here's a cute picture to make you smile :)
We had the wedding at a family member's farm. We tried to have my sister walk the lamb down the aisle, but it didn't work too well.


  1. happy new year to you too! :) and I love that last picture of the lamb and your sister. sooo cute.

  2. Great idea for the candle holders! They are lovely! That is totally the most adorable picture ever with the lamb! Sooo cute! :)


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